We believe freedom begins with quality of life. When a person lacks health, it's difficult to experience any sort of freedom.
Many of the people in our community who could benefit the most from chiropractic healthcare are unable to get access to these services. |
Our mission is to provide access to chiropractic and holistic healthcare to those people with:
Angela’s uncle was born with cerebral palsy and hydrocephaly and he consequently only lived into his forties.
On a chiropractic mission trip in Nicaragua, we witnessed a miracle resulting from a chiropractic adjustment given to a young girl named Maria Milagro. Maria had similar ailments as Angela’s uncle, and we often wonder how chiropractic care could have helped him. |
We'd long been disheartened by this fact. We felt so strongly about this that it led to our professional commitment to making chiropractic care truly accessible.
As a result, Freedom Chiropractic Foundation was born! We consider it an honor and privilege to provide chiropractic house calls to these under-served groups of people.